What Have We Been Up to With Intermx?

In October 2019, the family of Intermx companies acquired Transport Foundry as part of an effort to form a group of small businesses working on data-oriented measurements of people and their movements. With this merger came meticulously crafted plans for a brilliant future, but like the rest of the world, we had to make a hard pivot in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic.

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Accessibility vs Demand: Bringing a Map to a Modeling Fight

When planners quantitatively prioritize transit investments, they can use either accessibility measures or ridership measures, or some combination of the two. Accessibility calculators count how easily people are able to reach opportunities (e.g. jobs) by transit, and ridership models attempt to forecast likely passengers. Historically, agencies have used both methods for different tasks, though recent criticism of ridership models coupled with the availability of new web-based accessibility calculators has made a comparison of each method important for planners to understand.

As part of Transportation Camp DC 2018, we challenged Conveyal to debate the strengths of accessibility calculators, and Anson Stewart came forward. I defended ridership models. During the debate, we showed off Conveyal's Analysis software as well as gave the first demonstration of CityCast, our web-based travel demand model that estimates ridership.

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Modeling Private Autonomous Vehicles

We're exploring how to model demand for autonomous vehicles (AV's) with a passive data model like
CityCast. We've structured our investigations following the thoughts of Lauren Isaac, who proposes that the positive or negative effects of AV's largely rest on whether AV's end up being privately  owned or shared among several users. We covered the shared scenarios in our last post,
and we're now back as promised with private scenarios.

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Modeling Autonomous Vehicles with Passive Data

Given the long runways inherent to custom surveys, if the data needed to model autonomous vehicle (AV) behavior have not already been collected, then AV's will arrive before models designed to study their effects. In this study, we use demand from a passive data model coupled with the replanning algorithms in [MATSim](http://matsim.org/) to examine how transportation networks might be affected in the near term by autonomous vehicles.

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